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Cyber by design Protect Detect and respond Space
14 December 2023

How to secure space systems in an ever-changing world with evolving cyber threats?

Webinar replay

The space revolution is underway with the increasing digitalization of satellites carrying embedded software, the growing number of mega constellations in low orbit, and the surging use of the cloud. With advanced technologies come new services and applications. But they also bring an increased attack surface. The space sector is becoming more attractive and lucrative for hackers who, in turn, are increasingly skilled.

The cyber security of space systems is paramount. From security governance, security by design, to network security, data protection or detection and response, it is vital for all of us to understand how to safeguard our space systems in a sustainable way.

To help you discover more about the risks and how to protect your space systems, we warmly invite you join us for our 45’ Webinar on Cyber Security.