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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

Russian hacktivists launch DDoS attacks on Romanian govt sites

The Romanian national cyber security and incident response team, DNSC, has issued a statement about a series of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks targeting several public websites managed by the state entities.

The attack has been claimed by a pro-Russian group calling themselves Killnet. They targeted servers that host public sites with a high number of requests or high volumes of data, essentially depleting their processing resources and causing them to become unavailable. All websites are currently working. According to the DNSC announcement, attackers targeted the following websites:

- gov.ro (official website of Romania's Government)

- mapn.ro (official website of Romania's Ministry of Defense)

- politiadefrontiera.ro (official of Romanian Border Police)

- cfrcalatori.ro (official website of Romania's National Railway Transport Company)

- otpbank.ro (site of a commercial bank operating in Romanian)


Read more about it: here.