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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

9 arrested in Netherlands after Europol raids on phishing gang

9 arrested in Netherlands after Europol raids on phishing gangNine people were arrested on Tuesday during raids on 24 homes across the Netherlands as Belgian and Dutch police partnered with Europol to shut down an alleged criminal gang involved in lucrative phishing scams. In a statement, Europol said the raids “dismantled” an organized crime group that conducted a range of fraud, scams and money laundering. Dutch Police released their own statement on the raids, which it said were conducted in Amsterdam, Central Netherlands, West Brabant, Rotterdam, Eastern Netherlands and The Hague. They were approached via email, text messages, WhatsApp messages and then – via a phishing link – to a counterfeit bank website,” Dutch Police said. “These messages were sent by the members of the gang and contained a phishing link leading to a bogus banking website,” Europol said.
Read more about it: here