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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

Norway attacked by KillNet following threat from Russian authorities

Moscow accused Norway of blocking the transit of goods to Russians living in the Norwegian Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard and threatened Oslo with retaliation: "We demanded from the Norwegian side the earliest possible settlement of this issue. We stressed that unfriendly actions towards Russia lead to retaliatory measures" (Russian press release, AFP).

Shortly thereafter, a scenario exactly like that observed in Lithuania unfolded. KillNet claimed responsibility for the attack on Norwegian organisations (3am on June 29th for the claim, the list of targets was published 15 minutes later).

Among the victims we can mention:

  • Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority (Government entity)
  • BankID (Finance/Banking)
  • Altinn (Electronic services for the public sector)

Legion and Killnet instructed at 15:47 (on June 29th) to stop attacks against Norwegian organisations.

Read more about it: here