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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

Mantis botnet described as the most powerful botnet to date

A new botnet, dubbed Mantis, that security researchers spotted last June was said to have performed a record-breaking DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attack against its targets, being described as one of the most powerful botnet variants.

From the reports about the Mantis botnet, its attacks had topped at 26 million HTTPS requests per second, coming from over 5,000 devices. Previously, another powerful botnet dubbed Meris had held the record before Mantis came, which had attacks that peaked at over 21 million HTTPS requests per second.

The researchers that mitigated the sophisticated botnet had been tracking it since they first discovered it. They also explained that its name came from the Mantis Shrimp, a crustacean that could blow devastating strikes against its enemy using its claws. Hence, the Mantis botnet’s capabilities are highly similar to its namesake.

In usual instances, botnets had to compromise numerous connected machines to build sufficient power to distribute attacks toward the targeted devices and disrupt their operations.

Read more about it: here