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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

The german gymnasium of Gunzenhausen affected by cyber attack

For a time, the IT system of a Franconian grammar school was completely paralysed. The reason for this is said to have been a cyber attack. But who is behind the attack? The IT systems of the Simon-Marius-Gymnasium in Gunzenhausen were temporarily unavailable last week. The reason was a cyberattack. The district administration Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen informed about this in a press release on Tuesday (09.08.2022). Now the search for those responsible begins. According to the district office, unauthorised access to the school's network was detected last week. This caused the deletion of data on the school server. The incident was promptly detected and all necessary measures were taken. However, it is still unclear whether the perpetrators were able to steal sensitive data. 

Read more about it : here