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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

Attack on a Polish company that provides remote reading of water meters

Hackers attacked a company involved in remote reading of water meters. Residents fear whether their data is safe and their water consumption will be falsified.

 On Thursday, notices appeared on the cage from the cooperative that there had been a cyber-attack on the company that deals with remote reading of water meters. We don't know what this entails, whether the data is secure or whether the readings will not be falsified, says Mr Janusz from Marymont. He adds: - A few years ago, the co-op urged us to get new water meters. It was a considerable expense from the renovation fund, but the radio reading was supposed to be more accurate. The idea was also to reduce fraud, because not everyone was giving the true state of the meters after all. And now something like this.

Read more about it : here