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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

TeamOneFist group has conducted cyber operation against a Russian SCADA system

According to one of the members of the TeamOneFist group, a cyber operation called Smoked was carried out against SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems used by Russia to manage a 110kv PS-249 power substation. The SCADA systems were reportedly destroyed at a final cost of $1.3 million. The attack on these systems allowed the group to change the power limitation of the station's batteries to 2 volts when they should be operating at 12 volts, causing physical damage that required intervention on site. Later, the group also reprogrammed the station to provide power from only one of its 120 available batteries. The location of this plant is not given, making it impossible to cross-check the information. 

Read more about it : here