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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

RAT Tool disguised as solution file being Distributed on Github

The ASEC analysis team has recently discovered the distribution of a RAT Tool disguised as a solution file (*.sln) on GitHub. As shown in Figure 1, the malware distributor is sharing a source code on GitHub titled “Jpg Png Exploit Downloader Fud Cryter Malware Builder Cve 2022”. The file composition looks normal, but the solution file (*.sln) is actually a RAT tool. It is through methods like this that the malware distributor lures users to run the RAT tool by disguising it as a solution file (*.sln). Generally, programmers who receive the code that includes the solution file run the file in order to open the project. Users should take caution against social engineering techniques that take advantage of such a thought process.

Read more about it : here