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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

A disgruntled developer is the alleged source of the leak of the Lockbit 3.0 builder

The LockBit 3.0 ransomware group has just had its source code revealed on the net. Indeed, this code was leaked on Twitter by at least two accounts, named @ali_qushji and @protonleaks1. 

The builder is contained in a password protected 7z archive, "LockBit3Builder.7z", containing : 

- Build.bat ; 

- builder.exe ; 

- config.json ; 

- keygen.exe. 

Ali Qushji claims to have hacked into the ransomware gang's servers and stolen the ransomware's encryptor. No further details have been released to the trade press at this time. 

Read more about it : here