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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

WhatsApp down following an incident

On Tuesday 25 October, a widespread breakdown of the Whatsapp messaging service caused numerous disruptions for users in Europe, America and Asia. Indeed, it seems that the messaging service of the American company Meta suffered a technical incident within its servers at around 00:30 in the morning, according to the first customer complaints, before being resolved at around 10:45 in the morning according to Meta.  

The concrete symptoms of the outage were an infinite loading symbol for users trying to send messages with no result, as well as a lack of update of incoming messages and an inability to update one's profile. Although users were unable to use the application for several hours, it appears that the incident did not have a wider impact. There is no evidence to suggest that the outage was related to cyber-malicious activity and the company's other online platforms, Instagram and Facebook, were not affected. 

Read more about it : here