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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

Cyber espionnage campaign targeting russian companies

On 26 October 2022, according to a report by the Russian company Kaspersky Lab, a large-scale cyberattack campaign is targeting Russia. According to Kaspersky, the objective of this campaign is espionage, and for this the attackers use phishing techniques with malicious Word documents sent by email to employees of Russian companies. The shared document is called a "delayed draft". If this document is opened, a macro is run and downloads a trojan which then passes information to the attackers. 

The impact of this campaign of attacks is for the moment impossible to define as long as the targeted companies are not clearly defined and as long as the targeted data are not defined. Nevertheless, it is likely that this campaign is being carried out by a country used to spying on Russia, whether it is an ally like China or an adversary like Ukraine. 

Read more about it : here