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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

HiveLeak gang targeted Landi Renzo company

On 3 November 2022, the ransomware cybercrime group Hive Ransomware posted the Italian company Landi Renzo as a victim on its "HiveLeak" website. The attack is believed to have taken place on 18 October. Some of the company's servers were reportedly rendered unavailable by the attack and Landi Renzo was forced to call in a task force of cyber experts to investigate the damage. It is believed that although the damage temporarily halted production lines, automatic data backups worked and allowed IT staff to get the systems up and running again. Curtrently Landi Renzo is the world leader in the design and integration of fleet and passenger vehicle systems powered by eco-friendly fuel. The impact of this attack is significant. Although the teams have the capacity to repair the computer damage, production lines have been shut down as a result of the attack, likely resulting in financial losses and delays in customer contracts. These delays and security problems may result in a loss of reputation with partners and potential future customers. 

Read more about it : here