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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

Spanish Ministry of Economy under cyber attack

On 21 November 2022, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Digital Transformation has suffered a cyber attack. Indeed, employees reportedly found that their computer equipment was acting independently of their will. This suggests that attackers were able to carry out an intrusion attack, possibly using phishing as the initial entry point, and then drop a malicious payload allowing them to control the compromised computer remotely via the SARA network. 

The SARA network is the internal network of public institutions that allows for the rapid exchange of data between different departments. This type of network is often easy to use and considered by employees as a safe tool that they do not need to be wary of. Therefore, it is the perfect interface for an attacker to spread a malicious payload: fast, discreet and affecting all branches of public organisations. 

This attack was possibly aimed at espionage or data theft, as according to the media investigating the attack, the targeted sector was the analysis department, where all economic forecasts are produced and distributed. For the moment it is not yet possible to know whether data was stolen, or who was behind the attack. 

Nevertheless, it is likely that the attackers were not careful in their operation, as being detected by using live interfaces of a computer in use by employees crystallises a lack of professionalism. 

In parallel, it is noted that during October 2022, the General Council of the Judiciary detected a cyber attack that affected the Judicial Neutral Point (JNP), the telecommunications network that connects the judicial bodies to other state institutions.  

Read more about it : here