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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

Zarya continues to breach and leak data from Ukrainian database

On 20 November 2022, the pro-Russian hacktivist group Zarya claimed responsibility for another attack on a Ukrainian organisation. It allegedly breached and stole databases belonging to the State Logistics Department of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The group disclosed the data on its channel and announced that an analysis of its contents would be carried out later. 

In addition to this attack claim, the group also claims to have deployed members to Russian forces in the Donbass to provide cyber support on the battlefield. It is possible that this attack and this claim are linked and that the intelligence gathered by Zarya is in the interests of the Russian forces, although it is unlikely that a group genuinely associated with the Russian armed forces would expose its actions on a public channel. It is therefore also possible that this was an independent action on their part, unconnected to Russian services or disinformation. 

Read more about it : here and here