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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

ALPHV group added Fruttagel to their victim list

On 7 January 2023, the ransomware cybercrime group ALPHV added the Italian company Fruttagel, a company specialising in the processing of fresh fruit and vegetables, cereals and pulses, to its list of victims. The group claims to have stolen 720 gigabytes of data including financial information, contracts with companies such as IKEA and pepsi, company product plans and personal data of employees and customers. The group's website is still up and running. The impact of this attack is possibly significant. Indeed, on a technical level, although it is not declared by the company, it is possible that some of the group's work servers were encrypted by the attackers, preventing certain activities. From a financial point of view, this also risks leading to loss of profits beyond the ransom demanded if ever activities remain disrupted. Finally, on the legal and reputational level, the very large number of stolen data risks putting the company in a delicate situation concerning its employees and customers, some of whom are very large companies. 

Read more about it : here