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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

KillNet announced end of transition to phase 2 and launch a DDoS attack

On January 8, 2023, the pro-Russian hacktivist group KillNet publicly announced that it had fully completed its transition to Phase 2.  Initiated several months ago and supposed to bring them to a much higher level of skills and operational material, it seems that the group is now ready to carry out other types of attacks than DDoS against the enemies of Russia, such as: the intrusion and theft of data, but also the destruction of network infrastructure. Shortly after this announcement, the January 9, the group launched a DDoS attack against Danske Bank, a Danish multinational bank and several of its sub-domains on the net.  This announcement closes the transition to phase 2 of the group which was initiated in August 2022 and which now brings the group to the same level as a group of strikers with a sufficient level of competence to make complex attacks. This transition from phase 1 to phase 2 could simply be summarised as a training phase before the group becomes a collective of attackers capable of organising themselves and becoming dangerous. 

Read more about it : here