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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

NoName057 launches a new attacks campaign on European countries

According to a report dated February 25, 2023, the pro-Russian hacktivist group Noname057 has claimed responsibility for several DDoS attacks against organisations and institutions in European Union countries. The victims are : 

Poland: (https://www.kowr.gov.pl) the website of the Polish National Agricultural Support Centre, (https://www.szczecin.uzs.gov.pl) the website of the Inland Navigation Authority in Szczecin and (https://www.podatki.gov.pl) the website of the Electronic Tax Inspection. 

Spain: (https://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/Paginas/index.aspx) the official website of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers of Spain, (https://www.hacienda.gob.es/en-GB/Paginas/Home.aspx) the website of the Spanish Ministry of Finance, (https://www.ieee.es/) the website of the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies IEEE, (https://www.navantia.es/es/) the website of the industrialist Navantia and (https://emad.defensa.gob.es/) the portal of the Spanish Defence Headquarters. 

Latvia: (https://portal.delta.latvenergo.lv/Login/Login) the portal of the State Company for Electricity and Thermal Energy Production and Trade Latvenergo. 

The group's motives for these attacks are the refusal of several European countries to allow Russian athletes to compete in the upcoming Olympic Games and Spain's announcement that it will increase the military aid sent to Ukraine in the form of Leopard tanks. 

Read more about it : here