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cyberthreat news
07 December 2023

Cybercriminal claims to have access to Brazilian and French defence ministers&#039; mail

According to a report dated February 26, 2023, unidentified cybercriminals have claimed to have accessed the emails of the Ministers of Defence of Brazil and France. These emails could potentially contain sensitive information that could be used to launch phishing or impersonation attacks to gain access to government or corporate systems. 

Estimated impact  

This attack could have a severe impact. Indeed, emails associated with the Ministry or Minister of Defence are likely to contain sensitive and confidential information on national defence, security plans, strategic alliances, etc. If this information falls into the wrong hands, it could cause significant harm to the national security of France and Brazil.  

If this information falls into the wrong hands, it could cause significant harm to the national security of France and Brazil. If the sensitive information is leaked to the general public, it could damage the reputation of the Defence Ministers concerned and their respective governments.  

Similarly, if related corporate and industrial defence systems are compromised by the lateralisation of the attack, it could also damage the company's reputation with its customers, partners and investors or expose confidential data. 

Read more about it : here