Ciberseguridad en #espacio: cómo se está enfrentando Thales a los desafíos que están por llegar
Hackers apparently also tapped into sensitive data of residents during the attack on the Suhl city administration in March. Account numbers, dates of birth and telephone numbers of Suhl residents have surfaced on the so-called Darknet. In response, the left-wing parliamentary group in the state parliament is calling for a cyber aid service for digital emergencies affecting critical infrastructure. Read more about it : here
The pro-Russian hacktivist group released a statement on its Telegram channel announcing that it is once again focusing its activities and attacks on the IT infrastructure of Latvian Railways as well as the website of the company "LDZ Ritose Satstava Serviss" which also works with the railroads. Read more about it : here
Calvados. L’UNA victime d’une cyberattaque et d’une demande de rançon L’Union nationale d’aide du Calvados, entreprise sociale de services à la personne et à domicile, a subi une importante cyberattaque dont elle s’est rendu compte le 15 août 2022. Les logiciels de l’association se sont avérés inexploitables. Un retour à la normale est attendu pour la semaine prochaine. Mais les salariés ont pu suivre leur planning de visites à domicile. Read more about it : here
Hanover The automotive supplier and tyre manufacturer Continental says it has been the victim of a cyber attack - but the company does not report any impairment of business. The IT department discovered at the beginning of August that cyber criminals had partially infiltrated Conti's systems, a company spokesman said in Hanover on Wednesday. However, Continental had continued to maintain control over the systems, and there had been no encryption of data or ransom demand by the attackers. Business activities were not affected at any time. According to current knowledge, third-party IT systems were also not affected, the Hanover-based company said. Read more about it : here
A German auto parts store, Autodoc, located in Finland, has suffered a data breach, according to a statement sent to its customers. Attackers managed to break into the company's internal "communication tool" and use it to steal customers' personal data. The attack was quickly stopped, but the company says the data was still stolen. Customers' names, home addresses, phone numbers and email addresses were affected. Read more about it : here
Un fournisseur de logiciels des communes néerlandaises d'Eijsden-Margraten, de Gulpen-Wittem, de Kerkrade, de Meerssen et de Vaals a été touché par une cyber-attaque fin juillet. La cyber-attaque ciblait un système administratif du domaine social. Ce sont les communes elles-mêmes qui signalent l'incident par la voie d'un communiqué conjoint. A cause de l'attaque, des fichiers ont été cryptés et ne sont plus accessibles. Il semble s'agir d'une contamination à un rançongiciel ('ransomware'). 'Le système en question a été examiné dans le détail par une agence spécialisée dans la cybersécurité. L'examen a démontré qu'il n'y avait pas d'indication de vol de données', indiquent les communes. Read more about it : here
Portugal TAP company was the target of a cyberattack on Thursday night. The airline says flight security is guaranteed (despite the thre day strike affecting the country), but it has not been possible to conclude wheter there was improper access to customer data, the airline announced on Friday, cited by news agency Lusa. Read more about it : here
According to the CyberKnow media, the pro-Russian hacktivist group "Russian Cyber Army" has announced that it is targeting a Finnish imaging satellite belonging to the ICEYE company. ICEYE has an agreement with a Ukrainian foundation owned by Sergei Prytula to provide them with imagery, probably for military purposes, according to the hacktivist group. The nature of the attacks is not specified. Read more about it : here
Près de Pont-Audemer, une maison de retraite victime d'une cyberattaque L'Ehpad des Franches Terres à Beuzeville, près de Pont-Audemer, a été victime d'une cyberattaque mercredi 24 août 2022. Plusieurs ordinateurs ont été bloqués par le virus. Read more about it : here
From Russia With Love. Frwl claims a successful use of Somnia ransomware on Ukraine governmental system. No financial motivation, only destruction. If confirmed its a capability uplift they have planned for months. Read more about it : here