Europe News


Avos Locker claims the ransomware attack on Casa

According to Valery Marchive, managing editor of "MAG-IT", an attack on the Belgian-based Casa Shop on August 8 was claimed by the cybercriminal group AvosLocker. The amount of the ransom or the nature of the data has not been communicated, however it seems that no customer data has been stolen.  Read more about it : here


Phishing campaign targeting Poland

A phishing campaign is currently targeting Poland, with attackers posing as "", a public service for entrepreneurs.  The email typically contains:  "The notification will be available on your authorised account until 09-17-2022 and if you do not read it within the specified period, appropriate consequences will be triggered (...)".  A copy of the notification mentioned in the fake email is included in the email attachment but it is a fake document which is actually a malicious web script. When it is opened, the computer is infected.  Read more about it : here


IT Army of Ukraine has target Gazprombank

On the morning of 6 September, the pro-Ukraine hacktivist group "IT Army of Ukraine" claimed to have attacked the website of the bank "Gazprombank". The bank, wholly owned by Gazprom, is the third largest bank in Russia in terms of assets and investments. The website was still inaccessible on 6 September at 4pm.  Read more about it : here


Eni company under cyber attack, perhaps from Russia

Eni, too, after Gse, reports that it was attacked on the IT level. But with minor damage, unlike Gse, which is still down. Various experts suspect an attack from Russia, at a time when energy plays a critical geopolitical role Read more about it : here


Swedish Election Authority hit by three cyber attacks on day of vote

According to officials at the Swedish website, the site faced serious technical problems as a result of DDoS cyber attacks from 10 to 11 September.   The head of the authority's secretariat said on 11 September: "There have been three DDoS attacks against, one yesterday and two today. The most recent one is still ongoing.  During the elections, the Swedish regional governments also reportedly experienced problems with their telecommunication facilities, but this did not disrupt the elections or their outcome.  Read more about it : here


Vodafone Italy under cyber attack

According to the cyber media, the cyber actor PoCExploiter has announced that the telecommunications operator Vodafone Italy has had approximately 309 gigabytes of data stolen. This data may already be exposed on the net, although no information is available at the moment to confirm this. Read more about it : here


LockBit 3.0 Ransomware claim attack on

On 14 September 2022, LockBit 3.0 claimed responsibility for a ransomware attack on the French online company The company specialises in express delivery throughout France and Europe, storage, order picking and redistribution. The data will be released on 29 September if the ransom is not paid.  No information on the nature of the data has yet been provided.  Read more about it : here


OrangeFR customers data sell on the darknet

The company OrangeCyberFR has confirmed the publication of a file containing the personal information of several hundred French customers, which is currently being sold on a deep web forum.  Read more about it : here


Pro-russian Hacktivists targeting Lituania

According to the CyberKnow media, the pro-Russian hacktivist group called "noname05716" has claimed responsibility on its telegram channel for a series of cyber attacks on Lithuanian government websites, presumably in response to Lithuania's anti-Russian policies. These attacks continue to be part of large-scale cyber campaigns organised by pro-Russian groups in order to affect the morale of the populations of opposing countries such as European countries.  Read more about it : here


Dutch man arrested on suspicion of stealing millions in crypto via phishing and malware

Dutch police have arrested a 39-year-old man accused of laundering crypto-currencies worth tens of millions of euros. The suspect allegedly used phishing lures to deploy data-stealing malware on victims' computers. In the early morning of 6 September, the suspect was arrested in the village of Veenendaal for money laundering, based on police tracking of bitcoin transactions.  "The funds were stolen using a malicious software update claiming to be from the Electrum open source wallet," according to the press release According to the release, law enforcement was able to track the suspect by following the stolen cryptocurrencies using a malicious software update for the Electrum wallet, a popular open source Bitcoin wallet application that allows users to safely manage their digital assets.  Read more about it : here